![]() 1.Gynecologist. A gynecologist is a type of women’s specialists that specializes in the care of women’s reproductive system. They are the ones you would need to see for your annual well-woman exam, if you experience any changes in your cycle, or have a concern regarding your reproductive organs. 2.Obstetrician. An obstetrician provides care to women who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. They perform checkups and testing throughout your pregnancy and even deliver your baby. Their goal is a healthy pregnancy and birth for you and your baby. 3.OBGYN. This type of women’s specialist has training in both gynecology and obstetrics. This means they can provide both types of care. Some women prefer to see an OBGYN since they can provide both health care and pregnancy care. Others, don’t mind seeing different doctors for different needs. 4.Midwife. A midwife is a unique type of women’s specialists. These are trained health professionals who assist healthy women during labor and after the birth of their baby. Many people think midwives only assist with home deliveries, but they can also deliver babies at a hospital. This type of professional is often chosen by mothers who want little medical interference during birth. A midwife also should only assist if you have had a healthy, complication-free, pregnancy. Atlanta, GA women who are searching for women’s specialists should contact Georgia OBGYN. Our team of professionals takes pride in providing quality care in a friendly, comfortable environment. We can perform a variety of services to keep our patients healthy. Contact us today to learn more. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.
Does the best obstetrician in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA consider me a high-risk pregnancy9/29/2020 ![]() The best obstetrician is an important person during Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA women’s pregnancies. They walk alongside you as your pregnancy progresses and helps ensure a healthy delivery. Their main goal is for you to have a healthy pregnancy that ends with the birth of a healthy baby or babies. But, not every woman has the same experience when it comes to pregnancy. While some women have “easy” pregnancies, others require additional care from their doctor. Often termed high-risk pregnancies, these women will often need to visit their obstetrician more frequently than normal while also potentially being placed on more restrictions than usual. High-risk pregnancies can be caused by many things Many factors can cause your obstetrician to consider your pregnancy high risk. You may be placed in this category if you become pregnant while you are:
Some women may also develop even if you do not have any of the conditions above. In this case, your best obstetrician may diagnose you with gestational diabetes or preeclampsia. You may also be placed in the high-risk category if you are pregnant with multiples such as twins or triplets. Pregnancy can be stressful in the best of times, but you may find it especially so if you are high risk. Your obstetrician will help you through it and is always available to answer your questions and listen to your concerns. To make this time easier, you should also be sure to lean on your support system, your partner, family, and friends. It is also important you watch out for your mental health, reducing your anxiety and stress. This can help keep you as healthy as possible. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() OBGYN near Northside Hospital guides Atlanta, GA women through their pregnancy. This not only includes monitoring the health of the mom and the baby throughout, but also a healthy delivery. But, before you get to this step in your pregnancy, you’ll need to make some decisions about the delivery experience you want. We’ll walk you through some things to consider. Personalize your delivery room At Georgia OBGYN, we utilize Northside Hospital for our deliveries. Though they pride themselves on creating a homey environment for their patients to give birth in, you may wish to bring in objects with you that remind you of home. Perhaps you have a pillow you want to bring or some photos of other kids or loved ones. If you are unsure if you can bring something, ask your OBGYN near Northside Hospital about any restrictions the hospital may have on what you can bring. In addition to surrounding yourself with comforting objects, you can also decide they type of lighting and ambience you want. Would you prefer a quiet room or some background music? Rooms are equipped with TVs as well. Options regarding birth itself You also have decisions to make about the birth process itself. Chief among them, whether or not you want to use coping mechanisms in the form of medications. Your OBGYN near Northside Hospital can help you make this decision by discussing the pros and cons as well as different scenarios you may encounter. You will also need to decide the positions you’d like to try as you give birth. And of, course, the role your partner will play in the delivery room. Recording the event Photos and videotapes can help commemorate this exciting event. But, your preferences and the rules of the hospital must be followed. Discuss the documentation you are okay with with your support partner. Your OBGYN near Northside Hospital can advise you on any restrictions in place when it comes to videotaping during delivery. Atlanta, GA women have a lot to decide before they give birth. Your OBGYN near Northside Hospital can help you prepare for this big event. Be sure you explore your options and give thought to the type of experience you want during this time. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() OBGYN provide Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA many services to keep them healthy. One service they provide that many don’t know about, is vaccinations. Your OBGYN can give a variety of vaccinations to expecting mothers and women in for other appointments. We’ll break down the important vaccines you should get. Flu shots Flu season is quickly approaching, and now, more than ever, it is important that you get your flu shot. If you have an appointment with your OBGYN in the coming weeks and haven’t yet gotten your flu shot, ask them about it. HPV The HPV vaccine protects women against the human papilloma virus, which can cause cervical cancer. There are multiple shots in this series, requiring women to come in multiple times. Depending on your age, you may require two shots, spaced six to 12 months apart, or three shots. Your OBGYN can discuss how many shots you will need before you start the series. Pneumonia and shingles It is recommended that women over the age of 65 get the shingles and pneumonia vaccines. These can help keep women healthy over the winter months. However, not all OBGYN offices carry these vaccines, so be sure to mention it to your doctor or receptionist when scheduling your appointment. If they aren’t able to get it, they will be able to direct you to a physician that does. Vaccines and insurance The majority of insurance carriers cover vaccines. But, whether or not you will need to pay a copay of any kind or any additional fee outside of the appointment charge varies by insurance provider. If you have questions about how your insurance plan covers any type of vaccination, contact them. Your OBGYN’s office can also help if you need more information on the types of shots you’ll be receiving at your appointment. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() Women’s obstetrics and gynecology offices in Alpharetta, GA are plenty. And while you may choose an office simply off of a specific doctor within the practice, it is important that you research more than the physicians. You should take time to learn about the practice itself and how it works. We’ll show you what you should ask about an OBGYN office and what to look for when choosing your new practice. What hospitals are they associated with? When you go to a women’s obstetrics and gynecology provider, you may need hospital services at some point for labor, testing, or even a surgery. Check to see what hospital your provider is associated with and what hospital or hospitals you would need to go to should the need arise. Make sure it is a hospital you feel comfortable with and that has a good reputation. Proximity of the hospital to the practice is also something you may want to take into consideration. How long has the practice been around? Once you find a women’s obstetrics and gynecology office, you likely want to stay with them as long as possible. So, take a look at the practice’s history. See how long they have been in your community and how long the physicians who are a part of it have been there. Alpharetta, GA residents who are searching for a women’s obstetrics and gynecology provider should contact Georgia OBGYN. We are the closest OBGYN to Northside Hospital and have been a part of our community for over 30 years, providing care to generations of families. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have about our practice or our physicians. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() Top Atlanta women’s OBGYN provides a variety of services to Atlanta, GA women. In addition to well woman visits and birth control management, they also provide care to older adults. As part of this care, your OBGYN can guide you through menopause and more. One test you may not realize your OBGYN may do is a bone density test. Osteoporosis in women over 50 Osteoporosis is a disease where bones begin to hollow out. This can leave women at risk of easily breaking their bones and early detection of this disease can help you stay on top of it. Your Atlanta women’s OBGYN can help. Low levels of estrogen are one factor that can cause this disease. That’s why women who are postmenopausal and over the age of 50 should be monitored for signs of bone density loss. Just like these women have annual wellness visits and mammograms, your Atlanta women’s OBGYN will also recommend bone density tests regularly after evaluating your risk of the disease. Other factors that put you at risk of osteoporosis is a history of smoking, general aging, and having a low or high body mass index. Though there is not sure fire way to prevent bone density loss, your Atlanta women’s OBGYN can recommend some things you can do to help reduce your risk. You should make sure you get an adequate amount of calcium and stay active by exercising regularly. Avoid smoking and drinking heavily as well. If you are considered high risk for bone loss by your Atlanta women’s OBGYN, they may be able to prescribe a medication to slow down the progression. Contact our office to learn more. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() Women’s OBGYN in Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA provide care to women of all ages. But, whether it is your first visit ever, your first visit with a new OBGYN, or even your second, it can be nerve wracking walking into that doctor’s office. After all, OBGYNs work with private information about you and do exams of your most private areas. Often, a little research and knowing what to expect when you visit a women’s OBGYN, whether you are a teen or adult, can help make the appointment a little less stressful. We answer some common questions women have about their first visit. Q. Do I need to shave before I go? A. No. Unless you want to. Some women worry about grooming before their appointment, worries their doctor will be grossed out if they don’t. However, you women’s OBGYN has likely seen it all. If it makes you feel more comfortable, however, feel free to shave your legs. But, if you wax, allow a little time between your wax appointment and your OBGYN one for you to heal. Q. I’m on my period. Should I reschedule? A. Generally, you can still go to your women’s OBGYN while you are on your period. However, it is a good idea to call them to let them know before your appointment. Or, if you are uncomfortable going while on your period, you can reschedule as well. Q. How do I know when I should see a women’s OBGYN? A. You should start to see a women’s OBGYN as a teenager or when you become sexually active. You should continue to see them annually for your wellness visits. If you experience changes in your body, such as missed periods or heavy periods, pain in your pelvis, or a lump on your breast, schedule an appointment. Atlanta and Alpharetta, GA based Georgia OBGYN is happy to answer any questions you have prior to your appointment. We want to make sure you feel comfortable, and knowing what to expect at your appointment can help. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() Best gynecologist is an important person for Atlanta, GA women to find. This personal choice should be given the appropriate amount of time and consideration to allow you to make an informed decision. But, many of us don’t have practice researching medical providers, we often just go with the first one we find or who our family has always seen. This can make is difficult to know what makes up the best provider for you. We can help you decide what makes the best gynecologist for you. The best gynecologist for you will… 1. Make you feel comfortable. When it comes to choosing the best gynecologist, you need to make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor, their staff, and in their office. This physician will discuss very private issues with you. If you feel uncomfortable with your chosen doctor, you may not be as open when it comes to discussing your concerns, which can impact your health. 2. Not rush you. You should never feel rushed at the doctor, especially when you visit a gynecologist or OBGYN. The best gynecologist for you will take time to listen to all your concerns when you have appointments. You should not leave your appointment feeling like they were in a hurry to get to the next patient. 3. Share your beliefs. This one is a little tricky. But, it is important. The best gynecologist for you will have similar beliefs to you. For example, if you are going to the doctor hoping to get on birth control, you would not want to have a provider that does not believe in using contraception. Take time to browse the services they offer on their website to get a better feel for their beliefs. Atlanta, GA women who are on the search for the best gynecologist, should start their search with Georgia OBGYN. Our team of professionals takes pride in providing quality care in a comfortable setting. We have many providers on our team and can help you choose the best one for you. Contact our office to learn more, or to schedule an appointment. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() Breast cancer One of the biggest concerns when it comes to women’s health is breast cancer. Though men can get this too, it is less likely. IN fact, per Susan G. Komen, only about 1 percent of breast cancer diagnosis are men. Breast cancer can be successfully treated, and the early detection of it is essential. Your OBGYN will help address this women’s health issue in many different ways. First, they will perform a breast exam at your annual visits. Second, they can show you how to do a self exam, which you should do regularly at home. Finally, they will order mammograms starting around age 40, depending on your family history. Cervical cancer Cervical cancer is another common issue when it comes to women’s health. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 13,800 new cases will be diagnosed in the United States this year alone. This type of cancer occurs in the cervix and, if left undiagnosed and treated, can quickly spread to other parts of the body. Your women’s health provider does a lot to detect and help prevent cervical cancer. Regular Pap Smears test for abnormal cells, allowing your doctor to diagnose the issue faster. HPV vaccinations can also help prevent this type of cancer, as HPV is one of the causes of it. Endometriosis This disease occurs the tissue that usually lines the uterus starts to grow somewhere else. This disease approximately one out of every 10 women. While some women will experience pain, others have no symptoms until they try to have a baby. Since endometriosis can cause infertility, it can be diagnosed by a women’s health professional then. You should visit your women’s health provider if you experience pain, changes in your period, or any other issues. They can work to diagnose the problem early. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. ![]() Gynecology is a section of medicine that provides care to women in Atlanta, GA and beyond. Most women start seeing a gynecologist or OBGYN during their teen years or early 20s, depending on their sexual activity and family history. But, some women think they can stop going to their OBGYN once they become older. However, that is not the case. We’ll cover why you should continue seeing a gynecology provider, even when you are older. Navigating menopause Women start to go through menopause at different ages. And those there is no “cure” for menopause, your gynecology doctor can help you navigate the changes your body goes through during this time. Whether it is managing symptoms or providing you with hormone therapy treatment, your OBGYN can help make this time in your life a little easier. Pap Smears can stop, but others issues may arise Most women can stop having Pap Smears once they reach the age of 65, as long as you meet certain criteria. And though it may be tempting to stop gynecology visits at that time since you no longer need that test, there are other issues your doctor will continue to watch you for and help you with. Some women may start to experience things like vaginal dryness, painful sex, and more. Your gynecology provider can help treat these issues as they are more versed in them than your primary doctor would be. Atlanta, GA senior women still need gynecology care. Though some women may be tempted to stop visiting their gynecologist or OBGYN once they reach their 60s or hit menopause, but it is important they continue going. If you are unsure if you need to continue your visits, chat with your doctor. They can offer advise on how often you should still come to visit them and how they can continue to help you. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. |
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November 2021