![]() A women’s OBGYN: next steps after recurrent miscarriages The women’s OBGYN in Atlanta and Marietta GA can be a source of support for the many women who have had a miscarriage at one time or another in their life. Patients may not realize that trying to get pregnant again doesn’t always result in another miscarriage. However, some women can suffer from the loss of more than one pregnancy. This is known as recurrent pregnancy loss. These losses can be grieved deeply by women and their families. Some of these women may worry about sickness or something that they did wrong to cause these losses. However, recurrent pregnancy loss is often a natural process. But, less than half of multiple miscarriages have an obvious cause that can be treated. A healthy pregnancy can be experienced by almost two-thirds of women who have gone through recurrent pregnancy loss, often without the need for extra treatment. You should speak with your OBGYN if you have suffered multiple miscarriages. Most often, women will make the decision to try for a natural pregnancy. But, your OBGYN may suggest treatments, in certain situations, that can help to reduce your risks for another miscarriage. Common causes There are multiple reasons why a woman can experience recurrent miscarriages, including: Genetic problems A major cause of miscarriage is genetic problems that have resulted in an abnormality in the fetus. One or both partners may have a genetic predisposition that is passing on an abnormality to the developing fetus. A chromosomal abnormality can be the cause of 50 to 60% of all miscarriages within the first three months of pregnancy. Abnormal levels of hormones When the uterine lining doesn’t sufficiently develop, miscarriages can occur. This will result in the fertilized egg not having a proper environment for implantation and not receive proper nourishment. Abnormal hormone levels can be the main reason for this to happen. Women with diabetes, and thyroid or adrenal gland problems usually have a higher risk of miscarriages due to an imbalance of hormones. Environmental factors Fetal damage or miscarriage can be the result of being exposed to environmental toxins in the air that is around you, especially if you are regularly exposed to these toxins after 20 weeks of your pregnancy. The use of tobacco, marijuana, alcohol and caffeine can affect the development of your fetus and end in a miscarriage. How can recurrent miscarriages be treated? Surgery, medications, or genetic testing are possible treatments for recurrent miscarriages to increase the chances of pregnancy that is successful. Surgical or medical treatments can lower your risk of a future miscarriage with certain conditions that surround the recurrent miscarriage. You can have a 60 to 80% chance of having a full-term pregnancy even after experience three miscarriages. Your doctor may suggest treatments in certain situations to reduce the risks of another miscarriage. Women’s OBGYN in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA A women’s OBGYN is trained to provide you with an overview of the common causes of infertility. Once you are pregnant again, your OBGYN will be more than happy to guide you to a successful pregnancy. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care.
![]() Women’s OBGYN: does it hurt to have a mammogram? Women’s OBGYN can help you whether you have a regular mammogram screening every year or if you are preparing for your first time, however, no matter how experienced you are, all women at one time or another have wondered, is this going to hurt? There is some discomfort involved during the imaging process. However, the pain can usually pass quickly if you take steps to reduce it. Mammograms can be a tool that can save lives which will take a detailed x-ray image of your breasts. Early-stage breast cancer can be revealed during a mammogram, this can increase your chance of beating the disease significantly. So, you can probably agree that finding the early stages of breast cancer can be worth the brief moments of discomfort that may be experienced during this procedure. Will it hurt? Whether or not a mammogram will hurt depends on a number of factors, including:
Some issues can occur if the position of the machine is not correct. For example, some patients may have to contort their backs because of the height of the mammogram machine. This can result in neck or back pain from straining the muscles. Letting the technician know if the position of the machine feels uncomfortable will be important since this will mean that it is at the wrong height. Are there any side effects? There shouldn’t be any long-term or alarming side effects to the tissues in your breasts from a mammogram. Just like any other x-ray exam, a mammogram will expose you to a small amount of radiation. This has caused an ongoing debate as to how often a woman should have a mammogram performed. The amount of radiation that you will be exposed to is minimal, the benefits of having a test done for breast cancer as early as possible can outweigh the side effects or risks of the radiation exposure. What if there is some pain afterward? You can speak with your doctor about the use of Motrin or Tylenol if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort after your examination. Even though there may be some discomfort that will be associated with your mammogram, most women are able to tolerate the process well. Women’s OBGYN in Atlanta and Alpharetta GA Women’s OBGYN can help you to understand how to prepare for this simple and non-invasive exam. Detecting and treating breast cancer within its early stages can mean that there is an excellent chance of treatment and survival. A mammogram is a useful tool for detecting and treating breast cancer even though it can be uncomfortable for a short period of time. Contact your top Alpharetta and Atlanta OBGYN for your obstetrics and gynecology care. |
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November 2021